Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Meet Sensai.

Good shows should be on more than once a week. I do not want to have to wait an entire week to watch my favorite show. Actors and actresses already get paid a lot. I do not think it would be asking too much for there to be new show every other day.

It is time for all of you to meet my car. My cars name is Sensai (Sen-say). You know, like a Japanese master?? Sensai, is older than I am. Sensai is a horrible shade of grey. But, Sensai has a lot of character. Sensai is beautiful.

I named Sensai after my much loved drivers ed instructor, Jonathan. My partner and I asked Jonathan what he wanted to be called. He responded with Sensai. From then on, my car full of character was Sensai.

I passed drivers ed with a 76%. You need 75% to pass. I am a great driver. No joke.

Before I drive I have a mantra I like to speak out loud to myself. It goes like this: I can do it. I can do it. I am a focused driver. I am a amazing driver. Driving is easy for me. Parallel parking is a piece of cake. I am the bomb of the road. I am amazing. I can drive. I will check my mirrors. I will read all the signs. I am the best.

My mantra works. I have not gotten in a car accident yet. I have only killed two birds and two squirrels. ALL THANKS TO THE MANTRA.  R.I.P. The two squirrels and the two birds I hit. They died in combat with the great Sensay. But, they did not win.

When February 7th rolls around if I were you, after I get home from school I would get out of the car and kiss the pavement. Because on February 7th Brooke Beatty and Sensai are becoming the bombs of the road.


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