Saturday, February 25, 2012



I have not done a SOLVING THE WORLD’S PROBLEMS SATURDAY on a Saturday in a long time. I figured if I did not start doing this segment on Saturday it would defeat the purpose of the name.

PROBLEM 1) Jimmy Johns not getting to my house fast enough. Jimmy Johns advertises that they have "Freaky, Fast, Delivery" . When I watch the Jimmy Johns commercial I expect my sandwich to be delivered to me, just as fast as the commercial. IT TOOK THEM 25 MINUTES last time I ordered. As far as I am concerned, Jimmy Johns is false advertising. I am disappointed. 

PROBLEM 2) Sophomores cannot go to prom. NOT COOL. This is age discrimination. What just because I am a sophomore means I can't go to prom??? I think that is unconstitutional if you ask me. Someone should take this to court. I will testify and look really official, I can cry on cue BTW. Anyway back on topic, sophomores should be able to go to prom. Also I think I should be prom queen. VOTE FOR BROOKE.

PROBLEM 3) Lack of interfering in Syria. Okay Russia and China get a F for caring about other countries. They care more about themselves, making money then interfering with oppression in Syria. I say everyone boycotts Russia and China. How do we do this? I do not really know. I am going to start with not buying anything made in China. This is going to be hard. And I am going to stop eating Russian food. I need to keep eating Chinese food; to keep my grades up because MSG and rice are seriously brain food.

GUESS WHO GOT SENSAI BACK???? THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE. Yep, Brooke's torture is over. Brooke is no longer grounded. WAHOOOOO!!!!!!! Brooke has her driving privileges back!!!!! In other words, drive if you dare. 

I am jumping for joy. THE OSCARS ARE TOMORROW. I probably will not sleep tonight. I literally cannot contain my excitement. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Ryan Gosling are all going to be in the same room.That is a lot of fives in the same room. I do not think that many fives have ever been in the same room before. I think I feel faint. You should all read my Oscar predictions blog!!! I bet, I got them all right. Actually, I would not bet on myself.

HAVE A GREAT OSCAR SUNDAY!!!! Who knows, word on the street is Ryan Gosling needs a date to the Oscars and I am free tomorrow. 

Look for Ryan and I tomorrow!!! 
I wish.
No seriously, I might be Ryan Gosling's date.
He might read this blog.
Therefore, I might be his date.
I am not giving up hope.


TWITTER!! @BloggingBrooke 

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