Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Looking For Fives Day!!


I possibly sent myself flowers with the card signed with “Your five is coming”

While all of you are celebrating with your significant others I will be partying all by myself. I take that back, I will be partying with Sensai and my best friend Adele.

Today seemed like the perfect day to talk about PDA. That rhymed. My message to anyone who strangly resembles slashing eels in the hallways with your significant other: WE ALL KNOW THAT YOU AND YOUR SPECIAL SOMEONE LIKE EACH OTHER, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADVERTISE. I really do not like product placement. Come on, do you really need to make out in front of me?? No, you do not. You can get a room.

I watched The Notebook for the first time this weekend. Is it weird that I did not cry during the movie? I totally saw the ending coming. Right when I figured out that the two of them were married and the lady was losing her memory I KNEW THEY WOULD DIE TOGETHER. It was so predictable. 

actually wanted Rachel McAdams to end up with the other guy, instead of Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling, is hot BUT THAT BEARD WAS HORRIBLE. If I was Rachel McAdams I would never go back to Ryan Gosling if he had that cave man beard.

Can I just say that romantic comedies may be so good but they are just so predictable? Don’t get me wrong I love romantic comedies but sometimes I just want them to surprise me. Maybe, the two people do not get together and instead find a different five.

Fergie’s dress at The Grammy’s was horrifying. I do not want to see Fergie’s bra. I really don’t. What is happening to fashion in music artiests. Katy Perry’s blue hair was just as bad. It seems to me that all the pop stars these days are what I call “Gaga Wannabes”. Nicki Minaji is the president of the “Gaga Wannabes” with Katy Perry as her VP.


Follow Your Daily Dose of Brooke on twitter @BloggingBrooke and send any questions for YOU ASKED THURSDAY to brooketheblogger@aol.com

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