Sunday, April 29, 2012

Breaking Dawn with my Dad > Prom

My dad and I had a great time watching Breaking Dawn last night. I thought I had seen bad acting in The Notebook. I was wrong.

I am so confused why Bella did not go with Jacob. JACOB IS SO ATTRACTIVE. I do not even care what he got on his ACT. Jacob can turn into a werewolf. Argument over.

Edward watches Bella sleep. Creepy. If someone watched me sleep I would slap them. I do not want people to watch me sleep. No one looks cute when they sleep. Not even me.

I hope everyone had a good time at prom. I hope you did not grind. If you did grind just know you could have done the fox trot, the waltz, or even the lawn mower. I would have done the lawn mower or the fishing stick.

I have had a lot of people ask me to do this. I am going to review Valley’s production of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

I went to the show last weekend on opening night. I have been going to Valley shows for a while now.

There is one big underlining problem I have had with everything single show I have seen at Valley. There are just too many people.

Seriously, if you are using people to depict seasons instead of backdrops I think that says too many people.

If you stop using turf to depict grass and start using people I think that says there are too many people.

I honestly cannot wait for the day when the human stage is used. That’s right, instead of using a real stage they are just going to pile everyone up and create the human stage. I am pumped.

Just imagine the bios, “I have been a proud stage member for the last four years. And this year I have the honor of being the top of the stage. Bittersweet.”

The acting is all fine and dandy but when you have forty people on a stage I just feel the effect is lost.

Other than that, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was definitely one of Valley’s better plays. Trust me I would know. I am not going to name plays.

So when the human stage makes its debut please let me know. I want a front row seat.

THE GOOD WIFE SEASON FINALE IS TONIGHT. DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH. If Alicia and Will do not get back together I am going to cry. I am just going to get the elephant in the room out in the open; I watch middle age women shows. I am probably the youngest person in America that watches The Good Wife. And I am proud of it. YOU SHOULD ALL WATCH.

Have a great and fantastical rest of your Sunday. I have prom pictures to creep on.

WARNING: If you post prom pictures I will look at them. If I don’t like your dress just know, I will judge you. Just letting you know.


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