Monday, May 20, 2013

Philosophical Monday: Opinions

My biggest pet peeve is people who cannot respect someone else’s opinion.

I was reminded of this today in band. The band teacher at my school is leaving and my band has been helping decide the new band director. After all the conductors have conducted the class gets to have our say on what we liked or disliked about each conductor. Instead of respecting one another’s opinion, members in the room attacked one another for having a different opinion then their own.

Or among my friends today we talked about different forms of education. But instead of having a civilized discussion it turned into an argument.

Another example, differing political parties. During the election we decided our friends based on if they wore; Elephant Red or Donkey Blue.  

What happened at lunch and what happened in band is a reflection of how our world has begun to share knowledge. We constantly feel the urge to “pick a side”, and instead of having a discussion it becomes a “who can talk louder”, what I learned today is no one is going to respect opinion if you have to constantly argue and attempt to belittle someone else. Furthermore, everyone involved with the discussion will take a whole lot more away from the discussion if it is not an argument and instead just a talk among friends.

If we want to be successful in this highly connected world, we have to be able to respect one another for having different opinions and cultures than our own.

Being able to exercise your opinion is a gift. And young people today are abusing it. Rather than constantly finding fault with an opinion different than your own, try to understand the other side better. You see, we all want to be heard so instead of dumbing someone down respect them, and if you do not agree with it, shut up.

I am going to start blogging daily!!!!!! And in order to stick to the trend I am going to have planned days. So Monday is, “Philosophical Monday” when I will talk about something that bugs me and how we can change it. Tune it tomorrow to see what Tuesday is!!!!!


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