Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Room is a War Zone

After a much needed blog break Brooke is back.

Due to the fact that I am on Summer break I am going to be blogging at least five times a week, starting today. 

Remember I have a hard time keeping resolutions, but I do have a habit of surprising myself.

The best part about Summer in my opinion, is all the reading I get to do. I am going to be the nerd that admits that I READ DURING THE SUMMER.

I have already reread three books and completed two new ones. I am on a roll.

When I was in second grade I did the Summer Reading Challenge at the Library and won a Beenie Babie. It was the first thing I had ever won. My parents were at work so I made my nanny call them at work and tell them I had won a Beanie Babie.

Does anyone remember Beanie Babies? If you don’t go Google image them NOW and they will probably look familiar. O MY GOSH I literally had over 100 Beanie Babies. I was obsessed. I kept them in a super classy trash bag.

This past weekend was Junk Day in my neighborhood. Junk Day is the time of year when you put all your crap on the curb, aka NOTHING IS SAFE IN MY HOUSE. 

In the Spring Cleaning mode Brooke was forced to clean her room.

My room strangely resembled the ruins of Greece, just much less artistic. I am never buying anything again. Never. The amount of crap I have is scary. I found not one but THREE flower headbands. WHAT DO I NEED A FLOWER HEADBAND FOR??? I HAVE SHORT HAIR!

I also found:

15 pairs of unmatched socks
4 towels
10 book covers
5 notebooks
Countless gum wrappers
3 cans of unused hair spray
6 unused bottles of nail polish, 2 of the same color
Countless clothing tags
2 cardboard boxes, of a large size
1 tea set

And that is just the icing of the cake.

I am not even done cleaning my room yet. IT IS THAT BAD. I am afraid to go back in. I feel like I am walking into a war zone and all my crap is going to start shooting at me. I would not be surprised if the crap in my room works with terrorists. I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW MY ROOM GOT SO OUT OF CONTROL?????

I mean yes I do not put things away. Yes, I have a problem with compulsive sale shopping. Yes, I read way too many books. And finally, yes I am the most unorganized person I the planet.


Anyway I am going to ponder that for a while. Enjoy the beautiful day!


Questions for YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY email, brooketheblogger@aol.com
Twitter: @BloggingBrooke

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