Monday, June 11, 2012

Dear Music Industry,

If I hear, “Boyfriend” on the radio one more time something bad is going to happen.  “I could be a gentleman” YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE A GENTLEMAN. I highly doubt Justin Beiber opens the doors for his dates and takes out their chair. But I could be wrong.

The Justin Beiber song “Boyfriend” is just sad. And the music video just makes me want to barf. I MEAN CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG BUT LAST TIME I CHECKED JUSTIN BEIBER HAS A GIRLFRIEND. “If I was your boyfriend I wouldn’t let you go.” If I was Selena Gomez I would have broken up with Justin as soon as “Boyfriend” was released.

In all the music videos I have seen lately the singer or band spends the entire song practically glued to a girl. 

The “What Makes You Beautiful” music video, One Direction spends the entire time singing to size 0 models that don’t even look like real women. 

In the “Boyfriend” music video Justin Beiber is surrounded by girls who are practically throwing themselves at them. 

In The Wanted’s “Glad You Came” music video females are lining to be sung to by what appears to be a drunken band member.

And that is just the icing on the cake. 

The female population is being portrayed horribly in music videos. Maybe the music industry should meet real women. Real women don’t line up and throw themselves onto men. The majority of the female population has dignity and holds themselves to a higher level.

So One Direction, The Wanted, and Justin Beiber I invite you to my neck of the woods. I promise you some crazy teenage girls will throw themselves onto you. But, most girls would rather be the one getting chased instead of them chasing you.  

I would like to say for the record, I think “Glad You Came” and “What Makes You Beautiful” are extremely catchy songs. But they need new music videos.

“Boyfriend” does not even come close to catchy.

That’s my two cents.

Anyway I am now on season five of Grey’s Anatomy. I skipped seasons three and half of four. They seemed unnecessary.

Today Blitzen, my handsome Labrador got one of his hind legs amputated. :( He had some sort of cancer and they did not want it to spread to the rest of the body. Blitzen is going to be the coolest three legged dog around, and I am proud to report he will be working the cone again for another two weeks.

Blitzen is redefining the cone in fashion. I honestly think all the dogs are going to start wearing cones. Blitzen is a tread-setter.  

Enjoy the beautiful day!


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