Monday, July 16, 2012

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone Earn the Gold Medal, and Thank you


Even though there is no such thing as a “Happy Monday” I wish you the happiest possible day today.

I rearranged my room for the first time in a bagillion years. In the process I found six plastic tiaras. I must think I am a princess. Oh wait…I am.

Okay I have seen a lot of weird commercials lately. For example: the girls on the “Always” commercials look WAY too happy to be on their period.

And all these Olympic endorsements are getting old. These athletes make me feel so out of shape.  Sometimes I think the Olympics is just a conspiracy to make fat people feel fatter and start exercising.

As everyone should know by now, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are getting divorced. I TOTALLY CALLED THIS FIVE YEARS AGO. I’m sorry, but Tom Cruise is the cheesiest person on the face of the Earth. I laughed at everything he said in Mission Impossible, NOT because it was funny, because he is just SOO cheesy. I put Tom Cruise and Justin Beiber in the, “I Can’t Believe People By This Crap” category in my brain.

I am happy for Katie Holmes though. She deserves someone much taller than Tom Cruise.

Poor Suri, she almost got sent on a cruise for Scientologists, according to People Magazine. The word on the street is Katie left Tom because of Scientology, but I think it was because she was taller than Tom. I mean it had to get awkward after a while.

I CLEANED MY CAR. Words can’t describe how horrible it was. I found five apple cores. I don’t even eat apples that much. I blame my brother. I also found a full bag of Starburst so SCORE.

This week I am working at VBS at Hope. I am the crazy volunteer that dances to all the songs and gets into all the moves and pretends like she’s Britney Spears. Yes, that is me. No shame.

I saw SpriderMan for the second time. It was just as good as the first time. I was talking to one of my friends and we were saying how bad it would be if Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield broke-up. I mean you can’t get any better than them. Anyone else would be such a disappointment…..unless it was me.

Today is my 80th blog post!!! I just want to thank every single person who has ever read my blog. I love hearing your feedback, commentating on the world, answering your questions, and most of all hopefully putting a smile on your face. Thank you. 


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