Sunday, December 30, 2012


This hottie has pneumonia. In other words I can’t say three words without having a coughing attack. I am on my fifth day and I don’t feel any better. To top it off the sheer amount of drugs I am on right now scares me. 

I am just going to come out and say it. Les Miserables was disappointing. Frankly the hype made it sound like I was walking into the greatest movie of the year.

I really could do with a little dialogue. I don’t think EVERYTHING needed to be sung, I am sorry but when you try to fit a five syllable sentence into a four syllable singing line IT JUST DOESN'T WORK. My biggest problem was it was predictable, I saw the show on stage when I was six, but I didn't remember any of it when I went to see it recently. I called that entire show. Within 10 minutes I knew the ending.

The plot for me dragged on. For a good ¼ of the movie I was sitting there thinking, “WHAT IS GOING ON??????” Granted, the ending of the movie tied some strings up for me, but in the end I was simply disappointed.

The biggest problem I have with Les Miserables is everyone is like “OMG IT WAS SO GOOD”, people it is getting to the point where I think people are just saying it’s good because everyone else thinks it’s good.

The bottom line is Les Miserables will not win Best Picture. It’s too generic and not edgy enough for the Academy. Will it win some awards? Yes, but not best actor or best actress. I would put my money on Helena Bonham Carter winning best supporting actress, and they will obviously will win best soundtrack.

Best Picture this year will go to Lincoln. Now that was a brilliant piece of cinema. I have seen a lot of great movies but Lincoln was stunning. It was spot on historically, the acting literally made me want to fall out of my chair, and just the overall story makes Les Miserables look miserable in comparison. Did you catch that pun?????

Finally I predict that Argo and Lincoln walk away with the most awards at the end of both the Golden Globes and the Oscars.

And I will be right.

The fiscal cliff.  I don’t care whether you are a republican or a democrat if you are elected to congress DO YOUR JOB. I think someone needs to teach these parties how to compromise. These politicians obviously never got much of an education because that haven’t realized yet, you can’t get everything you want. And the argument being made in congress right now, which we don’t need to cut spending is ABSURD. And I am questioning and worried about the sanity of anyone who thinks the debt isn't a big deal. WAKE UP PEOPLE AMERICA IS TURNING INTO GREECE. The debt shouldn't be a party issue and the fact that it is just shows how uneducated politicians are these days.

I say we lock congress in a room without food, water, and toilets THEN WE WILL SEE HOW FAST THEY MAKE A DEAL. Also I think cutting their pay in half is justified if we go over the fiscal cliff.  I should run this country, and then we would actually get something done.

I never commented on the recent election, so now that I have had some time to mull over my thoughts I am going to. First, just because this election you decided to get involved in the political process, doesn't make you educated in politics in the slightest. You see, politics is ever changing and it takes years of observing to be able to comment and argue effectively. I myself have watched Meet the Press every Sunday morning since I was in first grade and have spent the last ten years of my life attending rallies, arguing with politicians, asking questions, and simply observing. And still after a decade I am nowhere near as educated as I would like to be, but I am a whole lot better off than 50% of America.

Now that the election is over I am elated. Because all the people who think they are politically educated can stop making fools of themselves. You see when you have followed politics long enough to see a change in power and can argue either side of an issue then I will respect you. Until then I am 100% positive nearly half of America is uneducated.

These drugs are fabulous. Other than the fact that I can’t keep food down, their grrrrrrrrrrreat.

I recently met people who didn’t know what a kiki is. I AM IN SHOCK. IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT A KIKI IS YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THE WORLD. Seriously, IT’S A KIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to get that off my chest. “LOCK THE DOORS, COVER THE BLINDS, BECAUSE WE ARE ALL COMING OVER” You just need to know what a kiki is. If you don’t know what one is call me. We will work this out.

I am going to close on this note. A spoiler came out the other day saying Kurt and Blaine are getting back together on my birthday. I THINK RYAN MURPHY PLANNED THIS!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO RYAN MURPHY IS A DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH. I wish I was his kid.

Finally, I invite you all to check my vlog! Just search Getting Down with Brooke and Julia on Youtube and its one of the first hits! Become and subscriber and please send questions.

ONE MORE THING. I am going to be starting of YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY again and I need some fresh questions so please email to with your burning questions, and of course you will be totally anonymous!

Have a fabulous New Year and don’t get to drunk.


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