IT IS YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY!!! A quick note, last night this blog hit 1,000 views!!!! WE DID IT EVERYONE! Google is noticing us now. If you ever read this blog, thank you.
QUESTION TIME. I seriously love doing this.
1. Who is your dream celebrity date and what would you rate them on your scale/ why? I would totally date Ryan Gosling. He is a four. For one reason, he is more attractive than me. :(
2. What is one thing you would love to say to someone in person but are too afraid to? I would love to walk around schools dances with a spray bottle of Holy Water spraying all the people grinding and reciting “ Jesus loves you” That would be awesome.
3. What's your opinion on naughty dancing at dances? I am going to restate what I said in a previous blog. Fives do not grind. They waltz, salsa, twist, moonwalk, hula, shuffle, disco, Macarena, hip-hop, and they have a mean pirouette. I think that sums up how I feel about naughty dancing.
4. What is the perfect comfort food for any Friday or Saturday night when you're at home watching romantic comedies? I like to incorporate all the food groups, to be healthy. Grains: Doritos Vegetables: Ketchup Fruit: Sparkling grape juice Meat: Whatever you can find at Costco Dairy: Nacho Cheese Doritos. Then you are prepared to stare at fives all night long. WHILE BEING HEALTHY.
Keep emailing questions!! The shirts are in the works. I will post a final design soon. Follow me on twitter @BloggingBrooke!
KEEP CALM AND LOOK FOR FIVES. New post tomorrow.
P.S. Coffee shops are good to blog in. I am surrounded by fives.
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