Thursday, January 12, 2012

Etiquette You Should Know

TODAY is Thursday and I have no questions. Instead of answering questions I am going write about etiquette. Behold eight small pieces of etiquette you should have down by the time you are 16.

1)     Seriously, chewing with your mouth open. I do not care if you want to stuff yourself with God knows what. BUT when you start showing me the mass of food on your tongue, while you are talking to me. WE HAVE A PROBLEM. Solution: Multi-task, chew and keep your mouth closed AT THE SAME TIME. I swear it is revolutionary.
2)      If I am talking to you and your phone creeps out of your pocket and you start texting. WE HAVE A PROBLEM. What happened to eye contact?? Unless it is a life or death situation I think your phone can stay in your pocket a little longer.  
3)      I do not want to see your butt crack. Pull up your pants. Thank you.
4)      If you are of a certain size, maybe it is time to put the tight shirts away. That is all I need to say about that.
5)      WHAT HAPPENED TO OPENING THE DOOR FOR PEOPLE?? I say we bring that back. If one more person shuts a door in my face I am going to instruct them to read this blog.
6)      No one wants to hear you talk about “how high you got last night” Please stop. You do not look cool. And my response to you will always be the same, “ I am going to be your boss someday”
7)      When you are walking in a public place, YOU WALK. In places such as: mall, schools, churches, theaters, etc. DO NOT STOP in the middle of the hallway. If you want to have your conversation please move it to the side.
8)      Do not push me in the hallways. I will push back, and a promise you a backpack with three textbooks will hurt.
 If you can follow these simple pieces of etiquette I will be your best friend. You are welcome.

BTW: If you have questions you want me to answer email me at, ALSO BECOME A MEMBER. 60 SPOTS LEFT FOR ALL THE PARTIES WHEN THIS BLOG GETS FAMOUS.

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