Thursday, February 16, 2012



If you were to suddenly meet a guy who was a 5, but he happened to be quite older than you(say, Hugh Hefner-esque), would you go after him? Love knows no age. Go for him. You might get some money out of it. :) I’m joking…maybe.

How would you recommend getting over a guy? Whoever it is obviously was not good enough for you. Go buy a bag of Doritos and go watch my new favorite movie The Notebook and after that move on with your life. Look at Oprah, she dated a guy for a bagillion years. How did she get over the break-up? She started a television network.
How would you classify women in terms of your 5-scale classification system? Women are perfect. All women are fives. Except for Rachel McAdams in The Notebook she cries too much. 
How do you spell sensei? I asked Jonathan how to spell Sensai while I was driving. He proceeded to tell me, “S-E-N-S-A-I” If Jonathan says Sensai is spelled S-E-N-S-A-I then it is spelled S-E-N-S-A-I. Merriam Webster should change the spelling, Jonathan calls the shots.
Is there anyone at Valley who is a 5? If so, who? There are several “Self Proclaimed Fives”. There is a difference between “being a five” and “becoming a five”. You can be a five, but until you speak three languages you have yet to become the five. 
If you think you are a five. Let me know. We will see.
On a side note, when I find a five, I do not tell. Why would I tell someone I found a five??? Then everyone would be after them. If you find a five, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
I have had a lot of questions about tee-shirts! Tomorrow of Saturday I will have a link to the t-shirt! 

TWITTER!! @BloggingBrooke

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