Welcome to Hackensack, Minnesota
a.k.a. The Worst Place on the Earth.
In French Camp your entire life
changes. Say goodbye to “real” food, air conditioning, plumbing, and most of
all English.
In my two weeks at French Camp I
lost 10 pounds. Have you ever had flavorless yogurt? I have. At every meal. I
take that back, I only ate the yogurt once, I had one spoonful, one the first
night. That one spoonful of flavorless yogurt was enough for a lifetime. I
thought I would like French food. I was wrong. Instead I ate one piece of bread
every day. It was the only editable thing in French Camp.
The plumbing did not work in
French Camp. The toilets…never mind I do not want to talk about the toilets.
Too horrifying and graphic.
Showering at French Camp was the
scariest thing I have ever done in my life. At French Camp you do “group”
showers. In “group” showers proper etiquette is to wear a swimsuit. Let’s just
say my counselors did not follow proper “group” shower etiquette.
In Hackensack, Minnesota the
average temperature in July is 80 degrees to 95 degrees. I think, normal camps
would have air conditioning in at least one building by 21st
century, not French Camp. NO AIR CONDITIONING. I will never take air
conditioning for granted ever again.
Most of all, at French Camp there
was no English. Zip, Zilch, Nada. NONE. NO ENGLISH. No translating. Only
French. Try two weeks of not understanding a word anyone is saying to you.
I would not wish a trip to French
Camp on my worst enemy.
What I learned from French Camp?
To be completely honest, I learned how to say “hello” and I learned all the colors. That all.
At French Camp those who could
not speak French bonded together in common hate of the counselors. By the end
of the last week we could get any counselor to give us the food we wanted and
respond to us in English. The power of threatening to sue for child abuse.
Never go to French Camp. Unless,
you want an easy way to loose 10 pounds. Honestly, I would rather run 10 marathons
consecutively than go back to French Camp.
P.S. Follow Your Daily Dose of
Brooke on twitter @BloggingBrooke! Email questions for YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY to
brooketheblogger@aol.com. I will
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