Monday, February 6, 2012

Ya Sports.

Yesterday was the SUPER BOWL. YA.

Can I just say football players need new uniforms.Seriously, their butts looked HUGE. It looked like a pillow was stuffed insidetheir uniforms. Just saying.

Wouldn’t it be funny if the football players were alltackling each other for the ball, BUT the ball was not even there? Some guycould be running with the ball and nobody would notice because they weretackling each other. That would make my day.

Football teams need more creative plays. If I was a footballcoach I would have my team burst into song. For example, my team would sing “Bornthe Way” by Lady Gaga. The opposing team would be like “WHAT??” And thensomebody could run and get a touchdown. I should coach.

If I was a football player I would be a kicker. The kickerrarely ever gets hurt. During practice the kicker does not have to run around,all the kicker has to do is kick. I would be a great kicker.

If I played basketball I would be the coach. The coach justruns around on the sidelines yelling, “PASS!!!” or “SHOOT!!!” I honestly, thinkI would be really good at that. My experience is I won 50 dollars in a MarchMadness draw. I just chose based on which school had a better name and morefives.

If I was a soccer player…I take that back I would never be asoccer player. I would have a hard time remembering not to use my hands. Iplayed soccer for half a season. I scored one goal. In the opposing teams net.Oops.

If I was a softball player I would be an outfielder. As anoutfielder I could check my phone, build sandcastles in the back, and reenactthe opening scene in The Sound of Music.I would be a legendary outfielder.

If I was a swimmer I would win. I was on the swim team inelementary school. I got first place in my first race. After that I told my momafter the race that I had “peaked” and I was done with the sport.

I almost forgot about gymnastics. I did gymnastics for eightyears. After eight years I got one thing out of gymnastics. I can do acartwheel. I honestly, think I was too talented for gymnastics. The coachesjust did not know how to coach me effectively. Also, it could have been thefact that I talked the entire practice. But, that is nothing new.

In the end, I think my potential in athletics has beenoverlooked. I could totally go to the Olympics. I would be a top contender inthe Senior Olympics. Seriously, I am too good to compete with people my ownage. The real competiton is in the senior division.

I get my license tomorrow. If I were you I would stay offthe roads. Kiss the pavement when you get home.


P.S. Follow Your Daily Dose of Brooke on twitter, @BloggingBrooke! Any questions for YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY email me at

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