Sunday, May 27, 2012


Congrats 2012 graduates! If I missed your graduation party I sincerely apologize, I still love you and good luck wherever you are going. And show all your new friends my blog!!

I am going to ask myself the same question I asked myself yesterday, “Brooke, why are you blogging right now? GO STUDY.”

I still have not answered that question.

I had a revelation last night sea food restaurants have the best chicken fingers. Who would have thought?????

Twitter is one of the weirdest things in the world. For those of you who don’t have a twitter, on twitter they have these things called trends. It is when someone for example tweets, #ILoveMyMom if like a bagillion people tweet #ILoveMyMom then it is “trending”

I have seen a lot of weird trends lately. For example,

#RIPJustinBeiber – HE IS NOT DEAD. WHY WOULD ANYONE TWEET THAT???? I don’t know about you but if someone was tweeting #RIPBrooke I would question their sanity.

#SelenaIsAreFavorite – If Selena Gomez is your favorite, it is time for you to be exposed to culture.

#WeAreReadyToDieInYourArms – Someone has watched The Notebook one too many times. 

#DemiIsDifferent - Why Disney stars keep trending? I bet they are paying Twitter. Yep they are paying Twitter. Who would tweet about Demi Lovato? Case closed. 

Okay whoever is starting this stuff needs to get a hobby. Try mini-golfing or looking for fives. 

If you have a twitter and participate in these crazy trends, I pray for you. And just know, I am judging you.

Im response to these crazy trends I am going to start my own trends such as:








This is fun.

If you have a twitter, I challenge you to start the trends above, and then post a link to my blog.


Twitter- @BloggingBrooke

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