I am really confused of the point of the song “Some Nights”
I mean please just listen to the song. Don’t get me wrong it is a very catchy
song but the lyrics are just confusing.
“I look into my nephews eyes”
“Its best we keep our distance”
“What do I stand for?”
“This is it boy, this is war.
” Jack my style”
“I miss my mom and dad for this”
“I could use some friends for a change”
I am really at a loss right now. I can’t even try to
comprehend this song.
Yesterday was the biggest Brooke Problem day of my entire
life. August 24th will go down in history as Brooke Problem day.
Just wait in 10 years there will be parades.
I have to get to school at 6:10 every morning for squad leader
meetings before marching band. Yesterday I woke up at 5:55. In other words I
missed the squad leader meeting. Brooke Problem.
Then I was walking onto the field for marching band, and
pulling out my coordinate sheet, (a coordinate sheet is used in marching band
to tell the person where they are marching to) and instead of my coordinate
sheet I pulled out my schedule. Yep that’s right I brought my schedule for
school to marching band. Brooke Problem
AS IF THINGS COULD NOT GET WORSE, I ran to my car because I
needed my gloves for colorguard and only found one glove. The other one was
missing. Brooke Problem.
After marching band as I was driving I was changing my
shoes. I looked down at my passenger seat and realized something very very bad.
I brought two different shoes. One red flat and one flip flop. They don’t even
look alike. Brooke Problem.
By then it was only 8:00.
In math class I swear the kid next to me had a knife in his pocket.
Brooke Problem.
At lunch they ran out of fruit punch. Brooke Problem.
I got homework. Like a lot of homework. Like “I shouldn’t be
blogging right now” type of homework. Brooke Problem.
After school I get to my car. I have a parking ticket. IT’S
in the wrong place and I wasn’t in between the lines. Brooke Problem.
The amount of Brooke Problem’s I have is exhausting. If you
have been having a tough week I hope that puts things into perspective for you.
It is tough to be me.
My poor parents.
Big Brother is the only thing keeping me together right now.
I would talk about Big Brother but I am 99.9% positive none of you watch it. So
all I am going to say is Frank is the world biggest loser and Dan is the man.
For those of you who care deeply about me, my cold is
getting better. I am only using half a Kleenex box a day!!!!!!!!!! But I am
getting at least one bloody nose a day. BUT, I can breathe out of my left
nostril every so often!!!!!
OH MY GOSH!! I forgot about the biggest Brooke Problem of
all!!!!!! Yesterday I got pulled over by a cop.
The cop and I actually got along really well. I didn’t have
my head lights on all the way so he taught me. He asked me if I had been
anywhere with drugs or alcohol and I responded with, “I’m in band. What do you
think?” He thought it was funny.
Recently I have been asking myself a question, why did women
fight for equal rights? I mean, all I want to do is: watch Netflix, eat, dance
it up, watch Dance Moms, drive around, go on Pinterest, watch Big Brother
party, or shop. And if women didn’t have to be educated I could still do that.
I really think the women who fought for rights were thinking very short term. I
mean basically all women are forced to go to school and work and if I don’t
want to do that I look lazy.
But, I do like the right to vote. We should keep that. And
education is good to sometimes. I am rather bipolar about women’s rights.
I am picturing all the feminists out in the world shooting
me daggers. Please don’t kill me. I just want to watch Dance Moms in peace.
QUESTIONS? brooketheblogger@aol.com