Friday, October 5, 2012

I am a fan girl.

I have a problem. I am a fan girl. Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Blaine cheated on Kurt on Glee. I encourage all of you to watch the videos my friend and I made before and after the episode. They show raw human emotion. I honestly have so many emotions now. I feel like I just went through a break up. I need to go hug my three legged dog.

On a less depressing note this is the first Friday in four weeks that I am not doing anything. It feels fantastic. I am eating, watching Netflix and looking up spoilers about the future of Kurt and Blaine’s relationship because I am a fan girl.

I consider myself a fan girl for the following nouns: Glee, Klaine, Grey’s Anatomy, Darren Criss, Harry Potter, and One Direction. If there is a spoiler out in the world someplace I am 99.9% sure I have found it and investigated it further.

I LOVE SPOILERS. I really am not a big fan of waiting for things. So I read spoilers. For example Glee is on five week hiatus yet I know the following things because of my fan girling:

1)      Episode 5 and 6 are centered on the musical.
2)      I know all the songs that will be on the next two episodes.
3)      Blaine will take down pictures of Kurt in his locker in episode 7 because they broke up and Kurt won’t talk to him.
4)      A fan asked Ryan Murphy( the writer of Glee) what his plans were for Kurt and Blaine? He responded with, “Eternity.” SO EVEN THOUGH THEY MIGHT BREAK UP THEY ARE GETTING BACK TOGETHER!!!!!!!! I think I can tough this out.
5)      Kurt and Blaine will have a duet in the Moulin Rouge episode.

I have a lot more….but trust me if I kept writing it would take all night.

The big question I ask myself is, HOW DO I HAVE TIME FOR ALL OF THIS???? I am still working on that.

I am so ready for the election to be over with. Seriously the presidential election is important and all but everyone is like, “the next president will decide the future of America” I totally disagree with that. Okay, there are millions of Americans and one president. Whether your candidate wins or not the world is not going to be over. And the whole, “The country is going to go to crap if whoever is elected” IS SO ANNOYING. America has gotten through over 40 presidents, and some of them were a little loony, but we have turned out okay. So o my gosh people hold your horses the world is not over and if all else fails move to Switzerland.

Imagine how awkward it would be to be Obama or Romney during the debate. I personally would like to moderate the debates. I would have sass. Like if one of the candidates tried to cut me off I would be like, “Um no. You do not talk to me like that, I am in charge. “I think it would be a lot more entertaining. I would also have a blow horn; whenever they talk over I just blow the horn until they stop talking.

Also as of today I am running for president in the future. My goal: WE ARE GOING TO MARS BABY.

I love space. My dad got me into space when I was really little and ever since then I just eaten it up. Like, my keys are on a NASA key chain. I think Space is super humbling, I mean we are a really small speck in a humungous galaxy. How cool is that? Personally, I think there is some other form of life out in space, I mean frankly I think we are being incredibly naïve thinking we are the only living things in the universe. You all should watch NOVA. You may think I am a nerd, but lets me honest, YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS.

I need to clean my room. It looks like a clothing store threw up on my floor. Alas, I have no will power for cleaning so it’s not going to happen. I think I will go eat my feelings instead.

Dear Annoying People Who Intragram Everything,

I HATE INSTAGRAM. You think you are a professional photographer now. I have news for you, taking a picture of your Starbucks cup and changing the lighting DOES NOT MAKE YOU ARTISTIC. NO. NO.NO. If I see one more breakfast bar instagrammed I will lose all faith in my generation.  

–The World.

Have a great Friday, and please don’t instagram your cat. Trust me changing the lighting on your cat won’t make him look cuter than my three legged dog. My three legged dog is so cute, HE DOESN’T NEED INSTAGRAM.