Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesdays for the win. No.

Tuesdays are my least favorite day of the week. There is no purpose to Tuesdays. I say we get rid of Tuesday.

I eat lunch at one on Tuesdays. ONE!!!!!!!! In the class I have before lunch my stomach is a opera singer. It just keeps grumbling. No one should have to eat lunch at one.

I thought today was Wednesday. You can imagine how depressed I was when I discovered it was Tuesday.

Sensai almost blew up over Spring Break. No joke. So, I was getting into my car and it would not start. I called my Dad and he was like, " Just wait for me Brooke" so obviously I had to try to get my car to work because that is the total opposite to what my Dad said to do. So, I tried to start Sensai one more time. All a sudden my hood starts smoking!!!! I ran out of my car screaming bloody murder, I believe my exact words were, " I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!" Over and over again. Keep in mind I live on a very busy street. Let's just say everyone driving by got quite a show. I possibly got honked at. My poor neighbors. I then proceeded to call my Dad, who told me to step away from Sensai.

Lucky for all of you, I am still alive. I narrowly escaped death.

Coming soon is a interview with a self-proclaimed five!!!! If you have any questions for the self-proclaimed five please email them to me at brooketheblogger@aol.com. The identity of the self-proclaimed five will not be revealed until the interview is posted. GET EXCITED.

If you have any questions for YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY send them to brooketheblogger@aol.com! I love solving your problems.


Twitter: @BloggingBrooke

Monday, March 26, 2012

Trophy Wife in Training

It is so nice out. Spring is the best. Just watch though, next week I bet we have snow.

Kim Kardashian got floured. If you do not know what "floured"means, it is when someone dumps a bag of flour on your head. The person dumped a bag of flour on Kim Kardahsian because Kim Kardashian wears fur. I personally think that is wrong. Someone should dump flour on the person that flowered Kim Kardashian. If we just go around flouring people for what they choose to wear, I think there are going to be a lot of flouring white people walking around. If you wear tennis shoes, I will flour you. You think I am joking. I'm not. Just kidding. No, really watch out.

IT IS ALLERGY SEASON. WHOOOOHOOOOOOO. I am so drugged on Zyrtec right now. You are only supposed to take one a day. Oops. That would explain why I feel a little dazed right now.

I need to find a mentor for a paper I need to write for a class. The mentor has to work in a field that I want to work in. DOES ANYONE KNOW ANY TROPHY WIVES?????? If you do let me know.

My paper will be about how to be a good trophy wife. Where to find a five. How to socialize without offending anyone. That could be hard for me. For possible problems I can ask my mentor trophy wife about avoiding couples therapy and divorce.  I think this paper has a lot of potential. I don't know if my teacher will feel the same way. Maybe I should think of a different career. How about belly dancing??? I think I am on a roll.

Dance on party people.


Questions??? brooketheblogger@aol.com
Twitter. @BloggingBrooke

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I am alive. I have been on a "Blogging Break" for the last week. After taking a break I think my creative juices are flowing.

I was originally planning on returning to blogging last Thursday. But I started The Hunger Games series. I finished the series in three days. WOAH.

I would like to take back all the comments I made a few weeks ago about The Hunger Games. Now that I have read the Harry Potter series and The Hunger Games series I can effectively review the two series.

I am now going to compare and contrast the two series and in the end I will decide which series is superior

Harry Potter vs. Hunger Games
- 7 books vs. 3 books POINT FOR HP
- Both have a wide audience POINT FOR HP AND HG
-  8 movies vs. 1 movie (I know more movies are coming) POINT FOR HP
- Dumbledore vs. Haymitch (Ahhh so hard. I love both) POINT FOR HP AND HG
- Harry Potter vs. Katniss Everdeen
Harry Potter is the stronger protagonist. Why? Because Katnisss cannot decide between two boys. Whereas Harry understands he is the uniting force of wizarding world and Katniss questions herself being the face of the revolution. POINT FOR HP
- Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly vs. Peeta Mellark and Gale....I don't know his last name.
POINT FOR HP side kicks way more interesting. More character development because MORE BOOKS.
- Harry Potter epilogue vs. Hunger Games epilogue
Both epilogues suck. I honestly think JK Rowling was in a meeting with her publishers and the publishers said, " You need a epilogue." *JK Rowling goes to bathroom for 15 minutes and writes epilogue in bathroom stall* Comes back to meeting, "Here is your epilogue"

I feel the same way about The Hunger Games epilogue. Seriously, I bought three books. I deserve a better epilogue. Three pages DOES NOT cut it. Get back to work, Suzanna Collins.


In the end, now that I have read both series I can say with complete certainty that Harry Potter is better than The Hunger Games. Harry Potter is longer and has way more plot development THAT IS THE ONLY ARGUMENT I NEED. Do not get me wrong The Hunger Games was fantastic. I read it in three days and  I stopped communicating with the outside world while I was reading it.

On a final note, BRAVO to The Hunger Games movie. Totally stuck to the book. I would recommend reading the book before you see the movie. It is a quick read. I read the book in six hours. I need to get a life. I did not watch ANY soap operas over break because I was reading The Hunger Games. I am really disappointed with myself.

I should be back to my regular blogging schedule now that my "Blogging Break" is over.

Btw: I got a picture with these Norwegian guys over break. Total fives. You should check it out on my twitter. @BloggingBrooke


Thursday, March 15, 2012


NO YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY THIS WEEK. Please continue to email questions to brooketheblogger@aol.com.
Follow Your Daily Dose of Brooke on twitter @BloggingBrooke

Blogging from the Line

I am currently standing in a one hour line for the Rocking Roller-coaster. I was going to do a "Blogging from the Bus" post but I did not. Instead I will tell about the escapades of my 27 hour bus adventure. The bus ride started with me eating an entire apple. Everything but the seeds and stem. It really is a great source of fiber. All of a sudden our bus lost air conditioning. I cannot express the horrors that occurred on the bus without air conditioning. The memories are too traumatizing. As the day proceeded I became a master at making bracelets. I would call my bracelets bipolar. They would look really good for a little while and then the bracelets would just get worse. If you are ever wearing a Brooke Beatty bracelet when someone asks you what you are wearing say, " I am wearing Brooke Beatty". On our bus we watched the movie Taken. Honestly I was lost the entire movie. But, that could be partly because I was busy making bracelets. You know what's hard???? SLEEPING ON A BUS. At two in the morning my bus blew a tire. Not joking. Seriously, my bus is cursed. We should start sacrificing things for better luck. I am going to cut this short. On one last note BROOKE WENT TO A PIGGLY WIGGLY. You can be jealous. I understand. YOU ARE WELCOME.

Thursday, March 8, 2012



What is the plural of pegasus? I am going to make this up. Pegasis, is the new plural for pegasus.

Are you excited for the school play? All I can say is this, if they do not give the Chronicles of Narnia justice, I WILL CRY. I mean it. I will cry during the show. No I won't. But seriously, I WILL CRY.

What is your opinion of rompers? Rompers are confused. Rompers are not a shirt nor are rompers pants. I think rompers need to figure out what they are.

Can you give me a ten word summary of the Kardashian show enterprise? The most amazing brand ever and Kim is a legend,

What do you plan to name your children? Jumbo. I am going for a traditional African name. Also they are going to be adopted Asians.

How many fiber one products have you ever eaten in a day? I have eaten a box. It was not a great night. Lets just say I had a big bang.

What would you do if fiber one went out of business? I would start my own company. Fiber Brooke. I like the ring of that.

What's more important to you, fives or fiber? Fives

What is the ideal way to ask a girl to prom? I think I should start a business. I have so many ideas on how to ask someone to prom. Here is a list of ways to ask a girl to prom.
1) Sing a Billy Joel melody and end going down on one knee and asking "Will you go to prom with me?" and if she says yes, give her flowers.
2) Ask her in front of a entire class. Get up and go to the bathroom. When you come back, hold a sign that says "Will you go to prom with me, *insert name*?" GIVE HER FOOD IF SHE SAYS YES. Also if you show the food while you ask her, there is a higher chance that she will say yes.
3) The best way to ask someone to prom is to surprise them. I personally think if you give a girl food then she will go to prom with you.

Thanks for all the questions!! If you need a free therpist send me your problem to brooketheblogger@aol.com and I will solve it for you.


Twitter: @BloggingBrooke

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

"Wacky" is my new favorite adjective.

I just had Chinese food. I feeling like a genius right now. I think msg does something to my brain. I feel like I could build a iPod right now.

Spring Break is just around the corner. Therefore, I have stopped paying attention in class and started planning what Disney princess I want a picture with, and mentally pretending I am in Harry Potter World buying a wand.

I plan on returning to Iowa a whole shade darker. But for me that probably means I will return looking like a tomato.

I hear the iPad3 came out today. Apple strikes again. I would never get an iPad3. Why? Because I have a horrible track record with technology. I am the clumsiest person on the face of the universe. Chances are I would drop the iPad3 in water or something. I do not trust myself with technology.

I think tests should be banned. They are stupid. It is just the teachers way of proving to me the importance of paying attention. Teachers, the point has been made. But I promise you it does not matter how many B's I get on tests I will always spend half the class writing my name like a founding father and drawing pictures of food. I have been doing this since first grade and I have absolutely no plans of changing any time soon. STOP THE TESTS.

TOMORROW IS YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY!!!! Get your questions emailed to brooketheblogger@aol.com!!!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


If I see your butt crack coming out of your pants WE HAVE A PROBLEM. I do not see how hard it is for people to keep their pants and the back of your shirt covering their butt. If you have to do the "pants dance" DO THE PANTS DANCE. No one I repeat NO ONE wants to see someones butt crack while they are eating lunch. It really is a appetite killer.

In order to ensure all of you never show your junk in the trunk to any unfortunate passerby's I have devised a few ideas to help you.

1) When sitting down immediately check shirt to make sure none of your junk in the trunk is showing.
2) When standing up if your pants feel a little low do the pants dance.
3) When walking around and your pants start to fall down, stop in the nearest bathroom and do the pants dance.

The pants dance is when you pull your pants up with swagger.

Do the pants dance. It is the new thing. Or if you get smart, WEAR A BELT.

I am proud to say in one year Brooke has grown 3/4 of a inch!!!!!!! I am now 5'4 and 3/4. When I was little and had no wrinkles the doctor said I would be 6 feet tall. Seriously that doctor had no idea what he was talking about. I bet they make up random numbers. It is a conspiracy. Because I am positive I am stuck at 5'4 for the rest of my life. On the bright side, I can wear killer heals like Kim Kardashian when this blog gets famous.

It is so nice out today. I am 100 percent positive that Iowa weather is bipolar and needs to get a therapist. 


BROOKE FOR PROM QUEEN. I understand I am a sophomore but I think I would make a fantastic prom queen.

Have a wonderful day. Don't party to hard.


Twitter? @BloggingBrooke
Questions? brooketheblogger@aol.com

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I get a F for blogging this week. In my defense this week was cra-zay. For the first time in a week I went to bed before midnight. I need my beauty sleep, I think I am starting to get wrinkles.


1) Brooke is not making any money. I need a job. The next poll is going to be called: WHERE SHOULD BROOKE GET A JOB???? I am still working on the options.

2) Slushies melting. It is really inconvenient when my slushies melts 10 minutes after I bought it. I know it is winter, but lately Sensai and I have been craving slushies. Btw: Kum and Go and Sonic have fantastic slushies. Solution: Freezer Cups. Cups that are like Freezers. Therefore your slushie never melts. I am really proud of myself, for thinking of the Freezer Cup.

3) Keeping things clean. I seriously am sick of my room getting messy. I admit I have a problems when it comes to putting things away. Also I have a problems when it comes to motivating myself to clean. That is why I need a five who likes things clean. You see, I like things clean, I just do not like cleaning. Therefore, I need to either invent a machine that cleans for me, or find a five who likes to clean. If you have any ideas to solve my dilemma email me.

4) Depressing story lines. OMG I DO NOT WATCH A MOVIE FOR 2 HOURS TO START BALLING MY EYES OUT AFTER. For example, Gone with the Wind I watched that movie for 5 HOURS and what happens??? Rhett leaves Scarlet!! And Scarlet goes back to Tara. It just ends where it started. What a waste of 5 hours. Or in the movie One Day I spend the entire time waiting for Anne Hathaway to get with the hot guy. WHAT HAPPENS?? Finally when they get together, Anne Hathaway gets run over by a bus. I am not joking. It was depressing. SOLUTION: Write happier story lines Hollywood. I understand you do not want to make predictable movies but, running Anne Hathaway over by a bus is just mean!!!!!!

Okay I think the world is better place now that I have said my peace.

I promise, I will be back to a normal blogging schedule this week. REMEMBER TO VOTE IN THE POLL. Coming soon, a poll entitled WHERE SHOULD BROOKE GET A JOB???? I getting excited.

Party on, party guys and princesses.


I NEED QUESTIONS FOR YOU ASKED IT THURSDAY!! I am seriously disappointed, I got like 3 questions last time. GET TO WORK. Who needs a therapist when Brooke can solve your problems for free! Email me at brooketheblogger@aol.com

Twitter: BloggingBrooke